In Memoriam

"It is with deep regret that I have to inform you of the passing of one our dear friends, John Kennedy.  One of his close friends, Barbara Kendrick has written an obituary:



Obituary, John W. Kennedy


John Walter Kennedy passed away in Chestertown, MD, on June 8, 2004, coincident with the transit of Venus passing before the sun. Like this astronomical event, John was a rare phenomenon, and those fortunate enough to witness his transit through life are left with a lasting impression. He possessed a great intellect and even greater heart and spirit. He was the most generous of people, not only financially but with his time, attention, and friendship. John loved life and indulged himself and others in all its pleasures. Among his special passions were science fiction, theater, good food, warm climates, and most of all his family and friends. Many lives have been enriched by his kindness, loyalty, and unquenchable humor. He was a follower of Jesus Christ and attended Menlo Park Presbyterian Church until his recent move back to the East Coast.


Born in Staten Island, NY, the son of Walter Kennedy(deceased0 and Alicia Quinn Kennedy Geye, John attended high school in North Babylon, NY, where he was proud to play football.  In 1972 he graduated with a BA cum laude in statistics from Princeton University, the institution he honored whenever possible by sporting Tiger orange. After earning an MS in statistics from Rutgers University, he built a career as an independent consultant in clinical biostatistics, made successful by his exceptional discipline, work standard, and client rapport. (His boss, he complained, could be a real slave driver, but at least permitted time off for movie matinees.)


John’s many professional affiliations included memberships in the American Statistical Association and the American Association for Clinical Chemistry. He was active in the National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards, holding chairs and advisory positions on numerous subcommittees serving as chairholder in the development of NCCLS Document EP5 and EP9.  Consulting and lecturing in many different areas to the international medical product industries for more than 25 years, he also contributed frequently to professional journals and seminars.


John moved his practice from New Jersey to the San Francisco Bay area in 1990. He and his wife recently relocated to Chestertown, Maryland and Pompano Beach, Florida.


John is survived by his cherished wife, Cherilyn Widell, his mother, Alicia Quinn Geye, sisters Anne Kennedy Haney and Jane Kennedy Stahl, and numerous nieces and nephews. A memorial service is planned to honor him at the Princeton University Chapel on Saturday, June 19, 2004 at 2 PM. A service will also be held in Menlo Park, California at a later date. In lieu of flowers memorial donations may be made to Compassion House, 165 Front Street North, Issaquah, Washington 98027."





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