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Classmates Today

This page will be reserved for pictures and descriptions of what our classmates are doing today.  We welcome all submissions! 

July 12, 2003 Class of 68 and Class of 69 Picnic at Belmont

Click on each thumbnail for an enlargement.


June 13, 2003 - A 'meeting' at the old Trot Inn!


Dec 22, 2002 Mini Reunion - John G., Jim Beecher, Rita W. and Dan (picture below) at the last mini-reunion of 2002.



Jan 14, 2003 Mini Reunion - John K, John G. Dan M. and Bob D.  The first mini-reunion of the new year!


John Kennedy, Guy Roberts and George Kelly at Duke vs. Maryland in October, 2002.


Here is a new one taken from the Grand Canyon with Harry Furey and his beautiful Daughter Elizabeth.



Mitch Roth and  wife Vickie, had lunch in

Florida with Kath and Harry Furey and daughter




Harry Furey, Donna Reiss (Weber), John Weber            Harry from Yearbook page 213 ???



            Bob Daly and son Trevor



Rita Weigand's Photography


Photographer Rita Weigand’s photographs have been published consistently since her entrance into the world of music photo journalism in 1992. A former staff photographer for  Blues Revue magazine, and a contributor to Billboard, Relix, Pulse!, Blues Access and Dean Budnick’s latest book, Jam Bands: North America's Hottest Live Groups, Ms. Weigand’s photographs are in demand and have appeared in promotional editorial form in brochures, posters and on web sites for festivals, cruises, artists, record companies and cultural organizations. Her work appears with the top blues photographers nationally as a featured photographer in the 1999 and 2000 Blues Photography Issues of Big City Blues. In addition, Ms. Weigand’s photographs grace the CD sleeves of the 1999 Mystic Music release, “The Blues Keeps Me Holding On“, by Savoy Brown, the 1998 Stir Fried Live CD, “Electra Fried”, featuring Vassar Clements, 1997 Viceroy Records release, “Knights of the Blues Table” and the 1996 self-titled, “Stir Fried”, debut album.

You can see all of her wonderful photographs at her web site at:

Rita's Photography Site

Here are some samples.  Click on each image to enlarge.






Ron Biggio's Art Work



Here is Ron's work that adorned our Cafeteria,                       Here is the Fabulous BGO!

completed in 1967                                         



And here is Ron Now in front of a sign he

painted.  It was great to hear from him again!


     Nancy Prins - Gourmet Cook!


                    Nancy Prins on local TV with her gourmet masterpieces -

                    North Babylon's answer to the Iron Chef!


















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