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Classmate Info

This page contains contact information for all the members of the class. To protect privacy, the only information given will be whether or not we have a way to contact our classmates.  If you do know the whereabouts of those missing, please drop us a line.  You can send email or leave a message on the Guest Book. Bold entries are recently located classmates.

This page has been reorganized for easier page access.  8 pages have replaced the long list for easier navigation.

Current Statistics

Date Located Missing Found this Month
7/15/2001 134 408 0
8/15/2001 147 395 13
9/11/2001 166 376 21
9/26/2001 171 371 4
10/21/2001 178 364 7
11/15/2001 191 351 12
11/29/2001 200 342 9
12/15/2001 207 335 5
2/20/2002 210 332 3
3/5/2002 224 318 13

Alphabetical Listing, by last name

Members Ab - Bu Members Ca-Du Members Eb-Gu Members Ha-Ku Members La-My Members Na-Qu Members Ra-Su Members Sw-Zy


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