The Reunion!

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The Reunion!

We all had a blast!  We have pictures and video of the party weekend.  Check out below for the albums!


If you wish a copy of the Reunion Booklet, click on the image below



Photo Albums - Click on any link to bring up the album


John Gennaro's Album



Bob Daly's Album



Harry Furey's Album



Doug Scarfeo's Album


  Rita Weigand's Album 1

  Rita Weigand's Album 2


Next Album - Coming Soon!


The Reunion Videos

Click here to see them!


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Attendees at the Reunion Weekend

(more will be added once the final tallies are made)

Gary Allocco
James Beecher
Bruce Blaskopf
Eileen Bonny
Carol Bourque
Michele Cinque
Dot Corbin
Frank Costa
Raymond Diaz
Raymond Diaz
Frank Dupree
Ann Fitzpatrick
Lucille Fulgieri
John Gennaro
Diane Goebel
Charles Goebel
Barbara Grebe
Cheryl Guercio
Betsy Hoover
John Kennedy
Mary Knockenhauer
Larry Langfeldt
Karen Lupo
Dave Messinger
Jim Milidantri
Rich Miller
Gaspare Minaudo
Jimmy Morrow
Andy Nelson
Lorraine Noto
John Padrone
Linda  Paquet
Frank Piacenti
Sharon Pinter
Nancy Prins
Tim Prunka
Dennis Quaranta
Billy Rettig
Brian Rolston
Mitchell Roth
Sue Sacks
Doug Scarfeo
Cheryl Schmaeke
Tom Stelfox
Jean Talbot
Dorilu Tempera
Fran Twelvetrees
Adele Vasiliauskas
John Weber
Rita Weigand
Kevin Weitsman
Gale Wulff
Ken Marley
John Eng
Barbara Wilson
Alan Thompson
Pat Sweeney
Kathy Campbell
Harry Furey
Steve Nespoli
Joe Dandrilli
Carol Boyle
Frank Dupree
Patti Kalkhof
Carol Trunk
Doris  Baldisaro
Susan Baier
Frank Buderman
Kathy Campbell
Gary Derish
Larry Fitzgerald
Bob Hayes
Linda  Paladino
Bob Polins
Freddie Schneider
Liz Stone
Dennis Sullivan

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