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This page will be used for any pictures and descriptions of small reunions that take place.  Whether planned or impromptu, send in your pictures!

Reunion Meeting at Bennigans

On Tuesday, April 23, 2002 Dan, Bob, John and Nancy (who came in from California) met at Bennigans in North Babylon for a Reunion Meeting.  Nancy had a wonderful selection of NB memorabilia that she procured from her parent's basement, some of which has been placed on the site.

California Contingent Mini-Reunion

On Saturday, March 16th at the Presidio in San Francisco at the home of John Kennedy a mini-reunion was held. John and Nancy Prins hosted the party with great food, drink and fun!  In attendance were John, Nancy, Doug Scarfeo, Estelita Melendez, Kevin Weitsman, Mitchell Roth, Cynthia and Candy Calhoun, and Chris Czarniecki.  Many thanks to Doug and Nancy for the pictures.

More pictures have been added with thanks to Kevin Weitsman

Click on any image for enlargement.

Group Picture

Top Row - Left to Right - John Kennedy, Chris Czarniecki, Kevin Weitsman, Doug Scarfeo, Estelita Melendez.

Seated - Candy Calhoun, Cynthia Calhoun, Nancy Prins, Mitchell Roth

Another View Group Picture

Top Row - Left to Right - John Kennedy, Chris Czarniecki, Kevin Weitsman, Doug Scarfeo, Estelita Melendez.

Seated - Candy Calhoun, Cynthia Calhoun, Nancy Prins, Mitchell Roth


Kevin, Estelita, Candy and Nancy

Let's Eat!!!


Small World Mini-Reunion


John Gennaro and wife Ellen, Lucy Loveday (Fulgieri) and husband

Phil enjoyed dinner at Chef Antonio's in Mamaroneck on Sunday,

April 21 with Roxi. John and Ellen have known Roxi since 1970 and

Roxi teaches with Lucy now!  Small World!

Left to Right Standing- Phil, Lucy, John      Sitting - Ellen, Roxi


Mini-Reunion Held at Belmont Park

       Area Picture

The Picnic at Belmont on Saturday, September 22, 2001

Cheryl (Schmaeke) Babirad and children, Dan Mackin and Bob Daly


Mini-Reunion Held at Dan Mackin's Home



On Thursday, October 18, 2001, Dan Mackin had a little reunion coincident with John Kennedy being on the East Coast.   A great time was had by all, and we are looking forward to expanding these mini-reunions.   In attendance were Dan, Bruce Blaskopf, John Gennaro, John Kennedy and Bob.  Unfortunately, the staff photographer forgot his camera so these 30+ year old pictures have to suffice!


Mini-Reunion Held at Bob Daly's Home


On Wednesday, November 28, Bob had a small get together at his house. 

Fortunately (or unfortunately) he had his camera!  In attendance were Bob,

Jim Morrow, Dan Mackin and John Kennedy, in from San Francisco again. 

Thanks to Nancy Prins, we watched the 20th reunion videotape and tried to figure

out who everyone was.  We all had a great time!


Mini-Reunion Held at La Bella Palermo


On December 26, 2001, both Lucy (Fulgieri) Loveday (from Hopewell Junction) and Chris Czarniecki

 (from San Francisco) were in town.  We met at La Bella Palermo in Babylon and had a wonderful dinner,

great conversations and an excellent waiter, Giuseppe, although young enough to be one of our children! 

The hours went by too fast but we all had a marvelous time!


             Lucy, John (our most generous host) and Chris






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