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Here are some more pictures from the Yearbook and other places. 


Here are some new (old) pictures courtesy of Dave Messinger.

Click on any image for an enlargement.

North Babylon High School Memorabilia Album

Many thanks to Nancy Prins for locating these gems from the past.

Click on any image for an enlargement.

Commencement Program Page 1

Commencement Program Page 2

Commencement Program Page 3

Commencement Program Page 4

Dan Mackin and Nancy Prins washing.

The Graduation Ticket

The Graduation Invitation

The North Babylon Seal



North Babylon High School - A view from above

Thanks to John Gennaro for finding this.

Yearbook Pictures


  The High School                                     Belmont Lake JHS                                            Robert Moses JHS


Mr. Kirwin and Mr. Pannulo                              Mr. Watson                                                     Mr. Heffington

Events and Places Around Town


Senior Dinner with Carolyn Zipkis,                       DPA Elementary - (Marion Vetter)

Charlene Presti, John Gennaro, Kathy Zatlin.     Courtesy Dave Messinger



Lane's Luncheonette - Dave Messinger                         Phelps Lane Pool Entrance - Dave Messinger




 A few more pictures from Dave Messinger.  Mr. Grouver 'a class above', Sunrise over Great South Bay and on the bridge to Robert Moses.




This is the Belmont Lake Jr. High Class of 1965 courtesy John Gennaro



Clicking on any part of a section will enlarge it on a new page.  Have fun!




North Babylon Class of 2002 - For My Wife, Mrs. Daly, who taught them!









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