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Ab- Bu

First Last Married Name Have Contact Info Found As of
Tom Abbott   No  
John Abbuhl   No  
Bryan Ackerly   Deceased  
Linda  Affenita   No  
Billy Ahrens   No  
Cynthia Albrecht Langfeldt Yes  
Eugene  Alexander   Yes 9/11/2001
Richard Allen   No  
David Allen   Deceased  
Gary Allocco   Yes  
Richard Aloise   No  
Richard Alpi   Yes 10/21/2001
Leslee Anderson   Yes  
Denise Anderson Hamilton Yes 9/11/2001
Cynthia Andrews   No  
Joann Anthropopoulos Calcaterra Yes  
Vincent Aprea   Yes  
Elizabeth Arnold   No  
Susan Baier Rodriguez Yes 3/4/2002
Mark Baillie   No  
Doris Baldissaro Cavuto Yes  
Edward Banno   No  
Beatrice Barber   No  
John Barry   No  
John Bascietto   Yes  
Warren Baumbach   Deceased  
James Beecher   Yes  
Laura Beitter  Iudica Yes 9/11/2001
Elodie Belliveau   No  
Richie Benesh   No  
Beatrice Bennett Agunloye Yes 8/15/2001
Gloria Bentivengna   Yes  
Bob Bentley   No  
Nancy Benz   No  
John Bergin   Yes  
Connie Berry   Yes  
Mildred Berry   Yes  
Billy Berry   No  
Bonnie Berthold Bisson Yes  
Phil Bifulco   No  
Ron Biggio   Yes  
Pat Bishop   No  
Bruce Blaskopf   Yes  
Bobby Blauvelt   Yes 2/11/2002
Sheila Blocker   No  
Donna Boganski   Yes 11/24/2001
Ray Bohanon   No  
Ron Bongiovanni   No  
Eileen Bonny   Yes  
Carol Bourque   No  
Rick Bowdren   Yes 10/21/2001
Carol Boyle   No  
Billy Boyles   Yes 9/11/2001
Beth Bressler   No  
Richie Brewer   No  
Ed Brown   No  
Carol Brush   No  
Rose Buccheri   Deceased  
Frank Buderman   Yes 9/11/2001
Anne Burger   No  
Ron Burns   No  
Dan Busch   No  
Doug Butler   No  





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