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First Last Married Name Have Contact Info Found As of
Sandra Lamb   No  
Pete Lang   Yes 9/26/2001
Larry Langfeldt   Yes  
Joe Larocco   No  
Kathy Laughlin Ross Yes  
John Ledogar   Yes 11/24/2001
Donna Legrow   No  
Gary Leidahl   No  
Kathleen Leipold   No  
Deborah Leone   No  
Marty Levine   No  
Carmine Libretti   No  
Stan Lippman   No  
Valerie Logelfo   No  
Tomas Lomax   Yes  
Diane Lombardi   No  
Michael Lomuscio   No  
Ron Loporto   No  
Rita Loy   No  
Carol Luckner   No  
Carl Lukas   Yes 8/15/2001
Michele Lukashuk   No  
Karen Lupo   Yes 3/4/2002
Isabell Lynam   No  
Susan Mackin Hommel Yes  
Dan Mackin   Yes  
Vic MacLaughlin   No  
Gene Magagnoli   Yes  
Christine Maida   Yes 12/15/2001
Vinny Malfitani   No  
Neil Malloy   Yes 12/15/2001
Coreen Maloney   No  
Marcy Manin   No  
John Marchese   No  
Ken Marley   Yes  
Bonnie Marshall Duggan Yes  
Linda  Martin   Yes  
Pamela Martin   Yes 11/24/2001
Stephen Martin   No  
Debbie Maurath   No  
Linda  Mazzocchi   No  
Terry McDilda   No  
Stephen McGlynn   No  
Karl McGovern   No  
Kathleen McGowan   No  
Janet McKendrick   No  
Oran McPherson   No  
Larraine McQueen   No  
Donna McShea   No  
Terry McSweeney   No  
Estelita Melendez   Yes  
Gerald Mendelsohn   No  
Dave Messinger   Yes  
Brigitte Mezzapelle Spry Yes 3/4/2002
Dennis Miccio   No  
Fred Milidantri   No  
Jim Milidantri   No  
Susan Miller Colapinto Yes  
Rich Miller   Yes  
Wayne Miller   Yes 8/15/2001
Boyd Miller   No  
Russell Miller   No  
Kathy Milnes Arestia Yes  
Gaspare Minaudo   No  
Joe Mitola   No  
Vernon Moelius   No  
Kathy Moore   No  
Tom Moran   No  
Lillian Morda   No  
Jimmy Morrow   Yes 9/11/2001
Laurie Morse   No  
Mike Mula   No  
Stephen Muller   No  
Ken Murdter   No  
Elli Murphy Levy Yes  
Bobby Musacchio   No  
John Musco   Yes  
Mike Musicaro   Yes  
Gary Myers   No  





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