Rita Pictures

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Rita Weigand's Photos

Click on any picture for an enlargement.

Bill Carol Dave

Bob John Kevin John

Bob Kevin John

Donna Della Pat Sweeney and significant others

Dot Kathy Mary

Eugene Adele Andy

Frank and wife Eileen Steve

Gary Gene

Gene John

Harry Diane Joanne

Harry Doug Dennis Gary

Harry Joanne and others

Ken Jim Bob

Jim Janice Bruce

Joe Joe ? Ken

Joe John John Bill

Doris Michele John Lorraine

John Gary Bob Kevin John

Linda Gale

Linda (and hubby) and Gloria

Marilyn Gary

Mitch (and wife) and John

Padrones and Conboys

Picture Display

The Prizes

Ray Frank Gary

Fran Doris Lorraine Michele

The Winners!

Doug Dennis

The Group

The Group Again

Click here for Rita's second album


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