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Senior Class Pictures

For those of you who may have misplaced the 1968 Blazer or those who wish to reminisce on-line, the 1968 Senior Class Pictures are being put up.  They may be accessed from this page and are arranged by page number.  Simply click on the pull-down to display the list of pages and then press Go to get to the page..

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Annual Senior Poll Winners 1968

Click on any image to enlarge

Most Athletic: Bob Hamilton, Marilyn Huguenin

Done Most for NB: Bob Hayes, Patti Kalkhof

Most Likely to Succeed: Claire Jones, John Kennedy, Lucille Fulgieri

Best Dancers: Donna Finkbeiner, Pat Capone

Most Musical: Donna Quintero, Pete Schmiedeberg

Best Dressed: Donna McShea, Faye Russo, Dave Greenberg

Best Looking: Faye Russo, Wayne Prokopetz, Debbie Leone

Most Artistic: Gene Magagnoli, Carol Perretta

Friendliest: Jim Morrow, Janice Kennedy

Most Scholarly: John Kennedy, Lucille Fulgieri

Wittiest: Marilyn Huguenin, Rose Buccheri, Tony Tripi








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